Impact of Emotions part-2
The Moon
The Moon is the chief significator of the emotions and moreover for their expression and perception. The Moon also represents the intensity of the emotions. The position of the Moon in horoscope determines the emotional state of the person. If the Moon is properly placed and is Satwik in horoscope then the subject enjoys an uninhibited expression of the emotions. He doesn’t have to hide his feelings and he is comfortable in expressing them rather than inhibiting. The subject is not overly sensitive and his feelings are neither blunt nor exaggerated. The subject has an immaculate understanding of the feelings of others and he also provides them the proper space for their expression. The Moon in Satwik position in horoscope (discussed earlier in detail) is approachable by everyone for the discussion and sharing. The subject understands how to help others in managing their emotions in a better way. This way the good position of the Moon in horoscope enhances the emotional intelligence considerably.
On the other hand the Rajasik or Tamasik nature of the Moon in horoscope inhibits the adequate expression of one’s feelings. In case of a Rajasik Moon the subject has many mood swings and exaggerates the expression of his feelings. It makes him extremely sensitive. The subject is overly dependent on others for the emotional support and fear of losing them is constantly haunting them. The tamasik nature of the Moon in horoscope causes either complete inhibition or exaggeration of one’s feelings. In any case the subject fails to express the feelings in adequate manner. Generally he gets influenced by other people’s emotional responses quite easily and later feels himself to be ‘used’. The reason behind this is that they are not sure about the appropriateness of their own feelings and are excessively worried about the feelings of others about the various situations. This way they mimic the feelings of others. The subject might be carrying some burden of emotions from the past as the tamasik Moon suggests some regressive thinking. At times the subject admits that he sees himself as an emotional fool.
For example if a man ‘Mr X’ with a tamasik Moon would meet an old friend. She was a woman who was cursing her husband for many reasons and crying loudly. Then this Mr. X might also start cursing her husband and develop a view that her husband was a very bad man. This would happen without even thinking and listening the whole stuff. In a desire to be of help subject might become overly protective of her and develop an attitude of hate and dislike for her husband. When after some time this woman would be again living with her husband, Mr. X would find himself stranded. He could find it difficult to understand how this woman can go back to her husband without even looking back at him. In the same situation if Mr. X had a Satwik Moon in his horoscope then he would listen and give comfort to her but without being attached to her feelings and encouraging her anger and grief. He would be a source of empathy and won’t find himself stranded when she returned to her husband again. Rather he would be happy to bring happiness to them.
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The Fifth House
The Fifth house is associated with knowledge in traditional Vedic astrology. Here in astropsychology we can understand subject’s personal interpretation of his environment by the position of fifth house in the horoscope. The fifth house offers the cognitive aspect of emotions. In other words the fifth house determines the role of mind in the heart matters. The sound position of the fifth house and fifth lord allow the subject to interpret the emotional stimuli in the most objective manner. He would like to analyze the environment for various cues and then decide what emotional response is proper in the present context. At many times the subject would decide that there is no need to express emotions rather a smile or a raise in eyebrow is enough. In this case the subject would delay his emotional responses for the cognitive process to decide the proper moment. He is not carried away by the views of other people about him. Moreover the various incidents of anger, frustration, insult and conflicts will also exhibit the delayed and measured emotional responses so that the situation would be dealt with in a very effective manner. The strong fifth house provides immunity from various fears, stress, over interpretation and self defeating thoughts. The subject is free from the excessive use of ‘understanding the hidden motives and real feelings. On the other hand if the fifth house and fifth lord are poorly placed (the malefic in the fifth house and fifth lord in bad houses or in Rajasik and tamasik state) then the result is quite opposite. The subject’s objective understanding takes a blow. He can’t analyze the things from different perspectives. The emotions take him over quite soon as he can’t delay the expressions of them. The only way to not to express them is repression for him. This repression also leads to various psychological complexes that keep on compounding and may become difficult to handle in later part. The petty events of everyday life like other’s views about his manners, small incidents of embarrassment, failure and conflicts with nearby people bring out the deep states of emotional unrest. Further subject is blessed with a notorious capacity of reading the hidden feelings of everyone. On the basis of that he is always ready to face the emotional challenges. He is always planning to deal with the situations that can cause him emotional problems. And this is his own planning that fails him delaying his emotional responses. So it is quite common for him to get caught by stress, fears, anxieties, panic and self defeating thoughts. Rahu’s influence on the fifth house badly impairs the capacity to see the things objectively while Saturn and Ketu cause the detachment and expectation of failures and frustrations. The influence of the Mars in the fifth house makes the subject to perceive the constant hostility from the environment.
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